So, we went to
The Kolt's Annual Dinner The St. Joseph's Annual Credit Union Dinner on Friday. What a deal this thing is. I am shocked every year, but it's always the same kicking deal. You get all you can eat and drink (I am talking wine, beer, mixed drinks here), all for $12.50!!! I can't even eat at McDonald's for that much (not that I would anyways, but you know what I mean)! The best part is that our family takes up two tables at the banquet, and we are FUN!
Every year they do a Chinese auction, a 50/50 raffle and a huge Booze Basket giveaway. Our family has this complete luck thing going on with this whole deal. Every year my cousin wins so much, it's almost embarrassing (okay, maybe everyone's just jealous and that's the problem), but anyways he wins A LOT! Well, this year my sister and I decided to rub said cousin for luck. I am not superstitious, but...it worked!!!
I kid you not, Sherry won SIX (or was it seven?) baskets, I won THREE, my nana won TWO, my uncle won ONE, Aria won ONE, my other sister won ONE and Hoosky won the 50/50 - cold hard CASH!!! It was ridiculously AWESOME!!! It is so fun to win. Unfortunately, we made a name again for ourselves this year and didn't make a lot of friends. At least I was happy for the other people that won - Karma baby!!