WAIT!!! Don't answer that. I don't want to know, because sometimes the truth hurts.
My husband has been calling me vain lately, and I don't think it's a compliment. It all started when I hit approximately the 32nd year of my life. My skin on my face decided to give me a whole new look without warning me. Yep, you have probably guessed it - I now have WRINKLES!!! A frown line to be exact. Come to find out, it is actually your muscles that create the wrinkle from excessive frowning or having that "serious face" look. I am hoping mine is from the latter. I hope I haven't been frowning for so long that I now have a permanent line from it!
Well, I decided to inquire about the options that are out there that can "help" the problem, and the magical cure is Botox. YIKES!!! I said I would never do anything like that - EVER! Now, here I am looking up everything I can about it. I even emailed a local doctor asking how much it costs to get the frown line "fixed". Um, it costs $280 and it lasts for 4-6 months. Hmmm...that doesn't sound too bad to me. So, I tell Brian. He was like, "Are you serious? Are you that vain?". I replied, "I guess so.". He is totally not on board and says I am crazy. He just doesn't get it. It is something that bothers ME. I don't care what other people think, I care what I think, and I hate it! Maybe I will ask for it for Christmas, lol. OR, maybe I will get over it. That would be the cheaper option. We'll see.
Oh, and it is actually quite humorous that my hubby calls me vain. Does he even know what the word actually means? According to the dictionary, it means " Excessively proud of one's appearance or accomplishments; conceited." Um, isn't that the opposite of what is going on here? I am embarrassed (not PROUD!!!) of my line and want to feel better about myself. Which I am sure there is a name for. Anyone know the right term to call me so I can correct him? I think I need him to look up the word vain before he calls me it again!!!
YAY! Welcome to the blogging world! I just love that picture of you & Alina!! To darn cute! And for the record... I think you're beautiful! ;o)
I am all about doing what makes you feel better....or more vain. LOL
Amy, you do whatever you want to your freakin' frown lines!! I had botox, I'll admit it. And if you're wondering, it's not bad at all and if you don't like it, it's not permanent - what could be better?!?!
Love the blog! You rock!!!
Re: "Vain"
I believe the word you are looking for is "RIDICULOUS"
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