Thursday, February 21, 2008

Total eclipse of the heart...

Remember that song? Well, as I was watching the news last night around 11:15pm, that song came to mind as they were flashing pictures from views of the lunar eclipse. I was so mad that I didn't know about it (I do miss some pretty important stuff sometimes. It happens.), until they said it was still going on. Lucky me! So, of course I ran outside with my trusty camera and took about 50 pictures using every setting imaginable until I got a shot that you could actually make out. Pretty cool, huh?! It was tricky too because the clouds were rolling in fast and you had to snap quick when there was a break in the clouds. Phew, I am all set now. I didn't miss a thing after all.


Anonymous said...

Oh great, now I will have this song in my head instead of Lunch Lady Land! :)

A Christian Mom said...

Great pictures!! I'm glad you didn't miss it!