The 1st one was for a clothing line that never came about, and then there was the Little People Train (that finally came out). I saw the pictures online for that and she is not in any of the shots. I am still holding out hope that she could be in one of the pictures on the box. You never know, right? Maybe they use different pictures for the box. I will definitely be going to the toy store and checking it out. The last photo shoot she had was for this bowling game that still hasn't come out, so I have no clue what is going on with that one. She kinda broke the toy while doing the pictures, so maybe they never made it for sale after that or needed to make adjustments!
Tomorrow's pictures are for a Musical Coupe (I am thinking ride-on toy?), so it should be really cute. The only problem is, the time slot she has is at her nap time. So, she may fall asleep on the way there or be really crabby and uncooperative. I really hope not. It would be fun to finally get on something after all of our time spent going there (it's like 30 minutes away) all these times. At least we get a gift card to buy stuff. That is always good!
Oh, and notice Alina's picture (minus the mac n' cheese on her face). Don't you love her "red marks" on her face?! One is from falling like a month ago and the other is this tiny little rash that won't go away. Of course, the doc said it was nothing but yet it is THERE - UGH! Well, all I can say is "Thank goodness for Photoshop!"
Wish us luck!
You know, there are very few pictures where Landon has a "clear" face. Between eczema, the cat, and other kids he always has something on his face. I agree, thank goodness for photoshop!
Oh, I hope she gets on the box, too! I'd buy it and just keep the box!
Oh, fun! Alina is going to be a famous fashion model by the time she's 15. I can't wait to see her on a box one of these days!
How did she do? I hope she gets to be on one of the packages!
She is too cute with a little red on her face & all... Good Luck either way
Do you have the email or snail mail address to submit an initial picture to fisher price? A friend told me she found the information on their web site, but I'm not having any luck. I really don't want to drive all the way out there just to get the info. My email is Thanks!
how did you get her into doin the photo shoot with fisher price i've been trying for so long for my 2 year old baby girl and i just cant figure it out! please contact me with all the info i need to get started that will be so helpful!!
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