At the shoot, she had to sit in this cute cozy coupe type car and strike this very specific pose they were looking for. It was awkward because they needed her to lean out slightly (with her head) but still have her hands on the wheel. I had to hide behind a wall and play peek-a-boo to get her to look at me at a certain angle and smile. It was interesting!
There were a couple good shots, but after a bit she became very curious of her surroundings and kept looking around at everything that was going on and no longer playing our game. So, we knew she had enough. The photographer did, however, bring me around and showed me a bunch of shots and then stopped at one and said it was a really good one. So, you never know.
There were about 10 other 2 year olds getting their picture taken that day for the same thing, so it all depends on the look they were going for. In my book, she already beat them all - hands down!!
This girl HAS to get on a box!!!! She is one of the cutest girls around and I just dont understand why they dont use her EVERY time lol!!!
I'm glad the shoot went so well. I really hope she gets on a box soon!
How could any of them be cuter than Alina? It's impossible!
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