Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hello Kitty

Did you know that my daughter is a kitty cat?

Well, she is. Everyday she will talk to me and answer my questions with a "meow" and can speak in Meowese fluently. It is quite fascinating. If I am holding her, I get extra special kitty treats. Yep, she licks me. Thank goodness she still has that sweet little baby girl breath, or I may just get sick. For now, I can stand at least 1 lick here and there.
When she isn't being a kitty, she is having a baby. Not really sure how this one all started but it is quite hysterical. At home she actually puts a baby doll under her shirt to simulate a pregnant toddler. That just sounds wrong, but you know what I mean. If we are out she just points to her belly and tells everyone that there is a baby in there and she isn't ready to come out yet. I guess her maternal instincts are already kicking in. I guess I know who I am going to live with when I am old and feeble.
I tried to capture her pregnant, and the video kinda ran on. So, don't mind the extra footage. I don't know how to edit my camera video, so I just uploaded the whole thing.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

ETA: I know this is supposed to be wordless, BUT I have to let you know that she slept all night in this get-up! No kidding. She is something else.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ahhh...Sweet Justice

I totally forgot to update my stolen wallet story until Kacey reminded me. Thank You Kacey!

So, where did I leave off? Oh yeah, I had to go to the DMV the next day to get a new license. No problem, until I get to the DMV and they moved due to budget cuts and I had no clue where the new satellite offices were located. It was fun times finding one, but I eventually did and got my new "paper" license right away. I never remember the DMV being so quick and efficient. It was really nice. The only bad part was that I wouldn't get my picture id in the mail for another 7-10 business days. Great, I needed it to board a plane.

Well, I wasn't the only one worried about needing a license to get on a plane, the trooper who took the report, was jammed up about it as well. You see, he had the next 3 days off and wasn't "supposed" to work on my case until Monday, but the fact that I needed my license, he decided to do a little work on the side for me. What a guy!

Remember the chic that stole my wallet used her food stamp card? Well in order to get an EBT card, you basically have to give all of your information to the department of social services when you apply for one. This means he knew where she lived and even had her cell phone number. He called her. She answered!!!!

Basically he busted her saying that he knew what she did and they have her on tape doing it. She of course denies it and stupidly confirms to the trooper it was her after he played a little bit of word games with her. She's not the smartest woman. Here is an example of their conversation:

Trooper - "Do you work for a nursing agency? It looks like you were wearing pink scrubs."

Thief - "Those weren't scrubs, it was a jogging suit!"

Trooper - "We even saw you get into your black SUV."

Thief - "It's not black, it's dark green!"
Here she is denying it and then incriminating herself by arguing with his facts. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. After a bit of this he gets her to admit that she did it. She claims she took nothing out of it and threw it in the garbage, in the Walmart parking lot. Wonderful. He told her too bad, because if she had the wallet, he would have given her a break with the judge.

Oh! All of the sudden she thinks it might be somewhere else. She will call him back in 20 minutes. I am guessing to figure out her game play. She calls him back and now her story changes. She claims she threw it out the window of the SUV while they were driving on Transit Rd, near some big grassy area. He calls me. Tells me he doesn't want to send me on a wild goose chase, but it may be worth a shot looking for it. Brian just happened to be on Transit at this very moment so he searched for it. For 2 HOURS! NOTHING! Sadness.

I call the trooper back and told him our efforts and he wasn't surprised that it wasn't there. i had such hope there for a little while. I really thought I would get it back. Oh well. I was starting to accept the fact that it wasn't going to happen.

Fast forward a couple of hours. The phone rings. I know it is a stranger calling because it says "Private" on the caller id and when I answer, the woman who asks for me cannot pronounce my last name. I knew what she was going to say. I was right:
Hi. Is this Amy _____? I found your wallet in the McDonald's parking lot on Genesee St., across from the airport."
I was so excited!! She claimed she found it right in the parking lot. Hmmm...funny how she was the 1st one to see it in a very busy McD's parking lot more than 24 hours after it was tossed. I didn't even care at this point. I just wanted my wallet. Unfortunately, she couldn't meet me because she didn't have a car (how the heck was she at McD's miles and miles away?), so I would have to pick up the wallet at her house. I was scared, but played along and got her address. She lived in a really rough area on the East side of the city. No way in hell I was going there!

I called the trooper and he thought it sounded fishy too. Well, there just happened to be an undercover sting operation going down, right there, and his sergeant went to the chic's house (who was in a neck brace when he showed up) and got it! She had no clue that I wasn't coming. Nice surprise for her, hehe!

Yay!!! My wallet was now in police custody. Everything was in it except for the cash. They even left the change. Wasn't that thoughtful of them?!

The rest of the weekend the trooper had his days off and surprised the thief on Monday when he showed up at her house and arrested her. She probably thought she was in the clear after nothing happened all weekend. Then Monday came and BAM! HAHA! He brought her in and had her write her confession. Now mind you, she doesn't know that I have my wallet and that someone "found it", they never told her anything that happened. Yet, her statement now changed. In it, she writes that she threw the wallet out of the window of the SUV right by McDonald's near the airport. Funny how she knew that. I thought she threw it out on Transit Rd. I told you, she's not the smartest thief.

Now for the icing on the cake. Her friend, the one behind her in line, was using a stolen EBT card and was arrested for that!!! HA - sweet justice!!!! I couldn't be happier with the outcome. I believe in karma and this was a true case of where it happened perfectly!

I think I will pay more attention to my wallet from now on. Lesson learned!

What to Eat?

So, here it is day 3 and my mouth still hurts. What the hell? I really expected to feel perfectly fine today, but no. Instead I am sitting her waiting for my narcotics to kick in. I feel like a suburban pill popping momma! I don't want to take them around the clock, but they really do work and I am all about being pain-free.

When do you become addicted to these things? I woke up today feeling especially groggy, which makes me wonder if that is because I was coming off the Lortab while I was sleeping. Not a good feeling. I could see where it's just easier to take more than to feel like crap. Don't worry, I won't do that. I don't have enough pills!

Now onto the food issue. I am unable to chew and I am getting really sick of not eating much. I love food and eating is a passion of mine, so this is really killing me. So far, I have eaten yogurt, oatmeal (which kinda hurt), smoothies and cream soup. Let me tell you, those are just not cutting it. If you want to lose some weight, this is a great diet for that. Only drawback is that you are starving the whole time and every commercial on TV is for food!!!!

Oh, I can't wait to chomp on some good food soon. Until then, what can I eat? Do you have any puree type food suggestions for me? I do have some Jello setting up in the fridge as we speak and I am pretty excited about that. Too bad it doesn't fill you up!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tag - I'm IT!

Woohoo ~ I have been tagged by one of the coolest chics I know online! I can always relate to her blog and it reminds me that we are all living parallel lives as Mommas. Check her out!

Favorite person (outside family)?
What kind of a question is this?
Favorite food? Thai & Sushi
Quirks about you? I attract strangers to the point that they must come up and talk to me. What is that all about?
How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? By saying something good I hope.
Any regrets in life? Sure, but what can you do.
Favorite Charity/ Cause? Anything helping children.
Favorite Blog recently? I have to pick just one?
Something you can’t get enough of? My children when they are being good!
Worst job you’ve ever had? Waitress at Pizza Hut.
What job would you pay NOT to have? Cleaning portable potties (Johnny on the Spots) - EWWWW!!!!!
If you could be a fly on the wall, where? In my kid's classrooms.
Favorite Bible verse right now? Not sure if it's one, but "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you."
Guilty Pleasure? Getting stuff done at the spa/salon - manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, etc.
Got any confessions? That I strategically place certain food items so that hubby and the kids can't "find" them.
If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? On lots of clothes!
Favorite thing about your house? My big backyard.
Least favorite thing about your house? The lack of a good landscape design. UGH!
One thing you are bad at? Calling people.
One thing you’re good at? Being a mom.
If you could change something about your circumstances, what? That Alina would stop coming into our bed at night.
Who would you like to meet someday? Somebody really cool.
What makes you feel sexy? Working out and feeling good in my clothes.
Who is your real life hero? Not so sure I have one.
What is the hardest part of your job? Breaking up the fights!
When are you most relaxed? When the whole house is clean and all the laundry is done.
What stresses you out? When the kids have to be at two different places at the same time.
What can you not live without? My family.
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? I guess it all depends on who's blog you are talking about. Mine, no.
Why do you blog? To put my thoughts down "on paper" when the feeling strikes me. Also, to share with others what is going on in this life of mine.
Who are you tagging?
New(ish) bloggers - Johnna
Bloggy friends - Tracey and Sara
Bloggers you’d like to get to know better - The Mom @ Cheaper Than Therapy - I can totally relate to her!
A blogger who wouldn’t respond at all, but you’d hope will - Perez Hilton.

Okay - rules:
1. Answer the questions (Did I really have to include this as a rule? Duh!)
2. Link back to whoever tagged you
3. Tag eight bloggers to do the same, 2 from each category.
New/ newer bloggers (since we want to share the love and send them traffic)
Bloggy friends
Bloggers you’d like to get to know better
Bloggers you don’t think will respond, but you hope will.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


After a great trip to Chicago this past weekend, I had the pleasure of getting one of my wisdom teeth pulled today (one of the 2 that I have). It was one of those teeth that was impacted and didn't need to come out - until it decided to become un-impacted and broke through my gums. Nice, huh? So here I am at 33 years old getting it pulled. Lovely.

I guess when you get older they don't like to pull 'em because your jaw bone becomes more dense and there are more problems that arise because of it, such as difficulty coming out, fractured jaw, nerve damage, etc. So, I was a tad bit nervous for my appointment. Then I figured, I was a late bloomer with my teeth and that may be my saving grace.

The extraction went quite well. Except for the lidocaine. For some reason it wasn't working for me and I wasn't getting numb. The oral surgeon had to keep dosing me. Little did I know that I would pay for this dearly later. At least I was finally numb! It was so easy and it went perfect. I felt NO pain whatsoever. I am sick, so the only thing that was causing me difficulty was not being able to swallow. That pretty much sucked. I would have rescheduled the appt., but I had a sitter and everything was good to go. That isn't always easy to finagle!

I got a script for Lortab and was on my way, feeling good. I went to Wegman's, had the prescription filled while I did some shopping, picked up Alina and went home. Things were going well. UNTIL, the lidocaine started to wear off. O M G!!!!!!!! I was dying. I am talking some of the worst pain I have ever felt and I birthed children my friends! I seriously couldn't take it. I quick drank a smoothie to have a base in my stomach and took the Lortab & Advil cold & sinus for my cold, and waited...and waited...and waited.

An hour and a half go by and NOTHING! I am talking serious pain. I thought I was going to die. Alina refused to take a nap and decided to be extra whiny at this time and I didn't know what to do. So, I called the dentist and he said he wasn't surprised that I called. I guess it was really inflamed and there was a lot of trauma for being injected so many times, not to mention he removed bone. the tooth, etc. He told me to take another Lortab. So, I did.

Now another hour and a half go by and nothing. Still in horrible pain. At this point I decided to sit and relax no matter what the kids wanted or had to have needed and started with the ice pack on my puffy face. After an hour of this, I miraculously started to feel better. Thank goodness. I seriously couldn't take it any longer, and I don't consider myself a whimp when it comes to pain.

Right before it was time for my next pill, I felt the pain coming on again and took another one. Phew! That was close, but don't worry, I am all better again now. Lortab is now my friend! I am so glad it decided to work now.

I don't know why the 1st two pills took so long to work or why the lidocaine wasn't numbing me?! I wonder if there is something wrong with me? Don't answer that one! I am just hoping that tomorrow doesn't bring me any surprises. My sister and husband both felt worse on day 2, but they both went under. I am praying that their day 2 was my day one and I am done! Keep your fingers crossed for me PLEASE!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I hope every mother out there had the very best day with her children! After all, that is what it is all about.

My Mother's Day started yesterday when I went to the spa and had a manicure, a massage and a facial. It was a heavenly 3 1/2 hours spent away from my lovely family. It kinda makes you appreciate them that much more. I was daydreaming while I was getting my facial thinking that I definitely need to do this for myself at least once a month. The only problem is finding the time. But I am going to work on it!

The best part about today was getting the homemade gifts that my kids made me. Alina "made" me a traced hand frame with a cute little poem (done at playgroup w. her teacher). I love how little her hand is and the fact that she kept telling me "Happy Mother's Day!!!" all day long today. My sweet little pumpkin!

Then Carson made me a flower box (painted by him), a packet of seeds attached to a card with a lovely poem inside and a hysterically beautiful letter. I was laughing and crying the whole time while reading it. It is precious. Check it out:

And the last gift I got from my kids was from Tyler. He wrote me a poem all on his own and not to be outdone by his little brother, it was just as touching. I feel like I won the lottery with these gifts. Here is his:

Brian got me a new gazebo for the yard (and put it all together already!), flowers, made me steak for dinner and did all the dishes all day without me even asking. The dishwasher is running now and it is music to my ears for once. I didn't put ANY of the dishes in there and it was full & clean when I woke up. Now that is a gift!

I also celebrated my day by organizing all of the kids toys and got rid of 3 garbage bags and "the biggest tote you can buy" full of junk! I love to purge, lol! It was liberating! A clean organize house makes me happy, too bad it is so hard to keep up. Oh well.

Stay tuned - I have an update to my Stolen Wallet story. It is good. I promise it will be worth the read once I get it all down.

Happy Day Mommies!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I was VIOLATED!!!!!!!

Ever have one of those days? The ones where you shouldn't have ever left the house that day? Well, today was that day for me.

I went to Walmart to get some BIG shopping done. We were out of everything, so I needed to spend a lot of money and where better to shop & save mucho dough than at Walmart. I had Alina with me and the cart was packed to it's limit. It was also nap time for her so she started getting antsy to say the least. We were both ready to go.

Of course, the lines were long and the two ladies behind us made casual conversation with us, telling me how pretty Alina was, etc. Made the time pass. Good. Then I checkout and Alina starts melting down and it's time to go. I almost forgot a bag, so I grabbed it and went. I got out to the parking lot with my overly filled cart and realized my purse felt awfully light. So, I check in it and fear the worst - yep my wallet was missing!

I run (as fast as I can with the baby and the cart!!!) back into the store frantic looking for my wallet. The cashier can't find it. The nice lady behind me helps me look, no luck. The cashier then gets me another cart to go through each bag (FUN!) and transfer them to the new cart. IT WAS NOWHERE!!! I run back outside again and retrace my steps (with Alina and the cart - AGAIN!). No luck. I go back in, now the friend of the nice lady is there and she is helping me look. It's gone. So, I say thanks and go to the customer service desk.

Security is called and I talk to the lady. She has to go check the tapes. I wait....

She comes back to tell me that the "Nice" lady behind me stole it!!!!!!!! The one who talked to us, the one who helped me look for IT!!!!!

(Oh and not to mention, all this happened and I had to be home in 20 minutes to get my kids off the bus and I forgot my cell phone at home.)

I guess I paid my bill, and was just about to put my wallet in my purse when the cashier told me I forgot a bag. So, I grabbed the bag and left my wallet on the shelf and left. I walked out of the store and when no one was looking, the lady looked around, saw that no one was looking and grabbed my wallet. She then walked back to her friend and handed it to her!!! The other one that "helped" me!!!!

OMG!!! I am so mad, sad, angry, violated and just sick to my stomach. Who does that to a mom with a baby? To someone who was friendly with them and did nothing wrong to them??? They took everything - over 20 credit cards, my license, my kid's pictures... Which they will just toss. It makes me sad.

The good news is, we have her on tape doing it. A cop walked into the store 5 minutes after it happened, so we got a report right away. We have them getting into their car and they paid with separate EBT cards (food stamps), so hopefully that will help in finding who they are.

It took me 4 hours to cancel all my cards and I am just drained from the whole process of the day. Also, I am going to Chicago soon and now I don't have a license to get on the plane - isn't that just wonderful?! You know how fast the DMV is. Looks like that is what I will be doing tomorrow. Fun times.

I guess you just never know who you are talking to. Just makes me disgusted that I was so friendly to them. Yet, I still have hope that they will ditch my wallet and I will get my kid's pictures back. You never know...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Some Flowers for YOU!

Oh, how I love SPRING!! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. The weather isn't too hot or humid yet and nature starts to come alive. The sight of a budding tree gives me goosebumps. There is just something about new life that makes me feel alive inside. I savor these days, especially the ones where my kids are romping around outside enjoying it as much as I do. That is the BEST!

While Ty and I were playing badminton, Carson & Alina were busy picking flowers. It was so cute, Carson put flowers in Alina's hair and they ran over to show us. I loved every minute of it. How fun is it when your boys embrace the beauty of a girl?! Before Alina, this would never have been a thought in his mind, but Alina being the "girly girl" that she is, she brings it out in all of us!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!

Today we are celebrating 7 hectic wonderful years of having Carson in our family!!!

Wow, does time ever go by so quickly. I really wish it would slow down some, as it's getting harder and harder to keep up with these ever growing children of mine!

So, being the prankster that I am, I had to give Carson a hard time about his birthday present, and boy was it fun . First, I gave him a pair of wrestling pj bottoms that he already knew about as his one and only gift. He gave me a slight smile and was sorta appreciative. But, not really. He gave me that look of "this is REALLY my birthday present?!!!". Hehe. I am having fun here. Does that make me a bad momma???

Then I remembered I had one more that I forgot about. Hmmm...oh yeah, it was a WWE shirt to match the pants. Again, he liked it but still seemed a bit bummed about the clothing being his only birthday gifts. He really wanted a Webkinz. Aww, too bad buddy. Maybe next year.

Haha! I went to go do something else and came downstairs with a gift bag. His eyes lit up, now my birthday boy looked like the excited kid I hoped for and expected him to be on his birthday! I think he knew what was inside. He was sorta right. Not only did he get a Webkinz, but he got THREE!! He was beyond thrilled and he told me it was his best birthday EVER!!!

Until next year that is, right?!

Isn't this what you wear while eating birthday cake??

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finally Found a TV Stand

Ok everyone, you can all stop the search. We FINALLY found a stand for our new plasma. It has been sitting on our coffee table for weeks and there were wires everywhere. Very classy, if you ask me! It wasn't an easy feat to find "the one". It had to be dark wood, tall(ish), solid doors with storage on the side, shelves in the middle for our components and a glass door (so I don't have to dust, lol!).

So, Brian was at the store and knowing all of my "must haves" for said console, he texted me a picture of the one we ended up getting. Sometimes I don't give him the credit he deserves, but let me tell you, for once he listened to me and delivered. He found exactly what I wanted! YAY!!!

Check it out -

Now we need to get a new coffee table, end tables, etc to match. Does the buying ever end????