My Mother's Day started yesterday when I went to the spa and had a manicure, a massage and a facial. It was a heavenly 3 1/2 hours spent away from my lovely family. It kinda makes you appreciate them that much more. I was daydreaming while I was getting my facial thinking that I definitely need to do this for myself at least once a month. The only problem is finding the time. But I am going to work on it!
The best part about today was getting the homemade gifts that my kids made me. Alina "made" me a traced hand frame with a cute little poem (done at playgroup w. her teacher). I love how little her hand is and the fact that she kept telling me "Happy Mother's Day!!!" all day long today. My sweet little pumpkin!
Then Carson made me a flower box (painted by him), a packet of seeds attached to a card with a lovely poem inside and a hysterically beautiful letter. I was laughing and crying the whole time while reading it. It is precious. Check it out:
And the last gift I got from my kids was from Tyler. He wrote me a poem all on his own and not to be outdone by his little brother, it was just as touching. I feel like I won the lottery with these gifts. Here is his:
Brian got me a new gazebo for the yard (and put it all together already!), flowers, made me steak for dinner and did all the dishes all day without me even asking. The dishwasher is running now and it is music to my ears for once. I didn't put ANY of the dishes in there and it was full & clean when I woke up. Now that is a gift!
I also celebrated my day by organizing all of the kids toys and got rid of 3 garbage bags and "the biggest tote you can buy" full of junk! I love to purge, lol! It was liberating! A clean organize house makes me happy, too bad it is so hard to keep up. Oh well.
Stay tuned - I have an update to my Stolen Wallet story. It is good. I promise it will be worth the read once I get it all down.
Happy Day Mommies!
I read that about your wallet, unbelieveable, can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
Sounds like you had a fantastic day! Happy Mother's Day!
What great letters. Carson's "I'll still love you" is precious!
Aww, the letters from the boys are so sweet and so hilarious! You are such a lucky mommy :)
Happy MOther's Day! I love the letters!
3 1/2 hours at a spa?! That sounds too good to be true! I don't know what I would do with myself. And I love the handmade gifts - I never understood why parents hung onto that stuff forever, but now I totally get it!
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