Did you know that my daughter is a kitty cat?
Well, she is. Everyday she will talk to me and answer my questions with a "meow" and can speak in Meowese fluently. It is quite fascinating. If I am holding her, I get extra special kitty treats. Yep, she licks me. Thank goodness she still has that sweet little baby girl breath, or I may just get sick. For now, I can stand at least 1 lick here and there.

When she isn't being a kitty, she is having a baby. Not really sure how this one all started but it is quite hysterical. At home she actually puts a baby doll under her shirt to simulate a pregnant toddler. That just sounds wrong, but you know what I mean. If we are out she just points to her belly and tells everyone that there is a baby in there and she isn't ready to come out yet. I guess her maternal instincts are already kicking in. I guess I know who I am going to live with when I am old and feeble.

I tried to capture her pregnant, and the video kinda ran on. So, don't mind the extra footage. I don't know how to edit my camera video, so I just uploaded the whole thing.
I can't stand it she's so stinkin' cute! Love the video, *especially* the long rambly discussion of birthdays at the end - too much!
What a doll she is!
LOL, what a cutie! I loved the video! She talks so good.
She's got your number Amy! You're not 3! Too funny. And is there something you need to tell us?Baby in the tummy? JUST KIDDING!!
Amy are you pregnant again and just not telling us? Bahaha! Just kidding. Alina is so cute I could eat her!
That waw the cutest thing ever!!! I was LOL through the whole thing! LOVED IT
Amy, she is the cutest little bug ever! I love her!
OH. I love it! Lydia was a dog and a duck today. She called me "Mommy Duck" and she is "Lydia Duck". I told you before, they are bff!
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