Friday, February 22, 2008

"What is going on down there?!"

This is a phase commonly heard coming from my mouth when I hear a ruckus (I think this is the 1st time I have ever used this word!) in the basement. Today was no exception. So, I had the boys come up and asked them what they were up to, of course they told me they were just playing around. Only this time I know they were taking pictures with their cameras. So, I grab Carson's camera and was quite impressed with what I saw.

Now mind you he is only 6 years old, and he already has awesome photography skills. This is the original photo, untouched and not altered in any way, shape or form. He centered it, took it in black & white, etc. I have to say I think he is a natural. Thanks Aunt Sherry for the camera. You knew he had this in him!

I also have to give props to Tyler and his skillz! How'd he do that?! Like the war paint look? I had nothing to do with any of this!


A Christian Mom said...

You have a budding photographer on your hands! Great picture!

Tasha said...

Amazing! I'm LOL!

Nikki said...

You might want to invest in some lessons later on for that kid! Though he looks like a natural. Awesome picture! Too funny to. I got a kick out of that!

nope said...

I love it... I would hate to see what they were doing though :-)