Tuesday, May 20, 2008


After a great trip to Chicago this past weekend, I had the pleasure of getting one of my wisdom teeth pulled today (one of the 2 that I have). It was one of those teeth that was impacted and didn't need to come out - until it decided to become un-impacted and broke through my gums. Nice, huh? So here I am at 33 years old getting it pulled. Lovely.

I guess when you get older they don't like to pull 'em because your jaw bone becomes more dense and there are more problems that arise because of it, such as difficulty coming out, fractured jaw, nerve damage, etc. So, I was a tad bit nervous for my appointment. Then I figured, I was a late bloomer with my teeth and that may be my saving grace.

The extraction went quite well. Except for the lidocaine. For some reason it wasn't working for me and I wasn't getting numb. The oral surgeon had to keep dosing me. Little did I know that I would pay for this dearly later. At least I was finally numb! It was so easy and it went perfect. I felt NO pain whatsoever. I am sick, so the only thing that was causing me difficulty was not being able to swallow. That pretty much sucked. I would have rescheduled the appt., but I had a sitter and everything was good to go. That isn't always easy to finagle!

I got a script for Lortab and was on my way, feeling good. I went to Wegman's, had the prescription filled while I did some shopping, picked up Alina and went home. Things were going well. UNTIL, the lidocaine started to wear off. O M G!!!!!!!! I was dying. I am talking some of the worst pain I have ever felt and I birthed children my friends! I seriously couldn't take it. I quick drank a smoothie to have a base in my stomach and took the Lortab & Advil cold & sinus for my cold, and waited...and waited...and waited.

An hour and a half go by and NOTHING! I am talking serious pain. I thought I was going to die. Alina refused to take a nap and decided to be extra whiny at this time and I didn't know what to do. So, I called the dentist and he said he wasn't surprised that I called. I guess it was really inflamed and there was a lot of trauma for being injected so many times, not to mention he removed bone. the tooth, etc. He told me to take another Lortab. So, I did.

Now another hour and a half go by and nothing. Still in horrible pain. At this point I decided to sit and relax no matter what the kids wanted or had to have needed and started with the ice pack on my puffy face. After an hour of this, I miraculously started to feel better. Thank goodness. I seriously couldn't take it any longer, and I don't consider myself a whimp when it comes to pain.

Right before it was time for my next pill, I felt the pain coming on again and took another one. Phew! That was close, but don't worry, I am all better again now. Lortab is now my friend! I am so glad it decided to work now.

I don't know why the 1st two pills took so long to work or why the lidocaine wasn't numbing me?! I wonder if there is something wrong with me? Don't answer that one! I am just hoping that tomorrow doesn't bring me any surprises. My sister and husband both felt worse on day 2, but they both went under. I am praying that their day 2 was my day one and I am done! Keep your fingers crossed for me PLEASE!!!


Kacey said...

Oh, ouch! I hope the drugs keep working for you. That sounds pretty awful!

I had mine pulled my sophomore year in college, so I don't really remember how long the pain lasted. I just remember wanting real food and having to drink shakes instead!

The Mom Jen said...

Holy heck that sounds painful! I hope day 2 and 3 and 4...are much better for you.

I heard if you hold a carton of ice cream on your cheek and eat a bit at the same time, it works wonders! ;)

nope said...

Oh sister, I can't believe you waited that long for the pain pills. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled and let me tell you it was worse than my Tummy Tuck! HOLLA! So if that is any sense of how bad I think it is - you should have been downing those pills like water... :-)

Tracey said...

You poor thing. I sure hope the 2nd day isn't worse for you!